Friday, December 9, 2011

What to write~~~Rambling Words

Have you ever had that moment when you really wanted to write something but just didn't know what?  Yeah me too.  Quite a bit actually.  I will sit and think, wonder and worry.

I find myself (or my mind actually) wondering and wasting time.  Flipping channels on the TV and radio.  Picking up magazines that I have read a dozen times.  Trying to start a new chapter in a book I've had for over a year and no luck.  I'm not any further with my writing than I was two hours ago.  It could be something as not knowing where to start or maybe I have started with an idea but then nothing follows.  Or maybe you have an idea and you are interrupted several times (as I am right now) and by the time you get back to your project everything you wanted to put down on paper (or screen) is lost.

This blog is one of those cases.  I really wanted to write a blog only because I haven't posted in awhile and had no idea what to write about so I thought...why not blog about this?  Yes, I'm sure that this whole thing sounds like I'm rambling but is that not what writing is all about?  Putting your rambling thoughts on paper (sorta speak) and hope it makes sense, hope that the reader gets it? 

Ok, your asking "what does this picture have to do with this blog?"  You tell me :}  I know what my perception is when I write but that doesn't always mean the reader has the exact same idea.  Take for example.  When I write I picture the images as I see them in my head.  I give the words to my illustrator and she then gives me the picture.  It's not always the same as what I see but sometimes better.  Other times I explain to her what I see and she draws it.  It's all in our perception. 

See, I didn't think I knew what I was going to write about and here it is.  See how things work out and come together?  THIS is why I love to write :) Nothing can turn into something with a stroke or two of the key board.