Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Finding An Illustrator

Oh my, the hardest thing to do after you have finished writing your book; finding an illustrator.  Right?  Well not has hard as I thought.

My books that I have written so far are either available through Kindle or published through a self publishing company.  They are so easy to work with and do most of the work for you.  They even offer their own illustrators, but only if your willing to pay the price.  Of course their work is phenomenal but for those of us that don't have the available funds we are forced to look elsewhere.  Well, I began looking elsewhere.  It took a while to even know where to begin.  Thinking about who I even knew could draw just a little was not good enough.  If I'm going to publish a children's book then I at least want quality.  I took it upon myself to go to the web...what better place than our public connections via social networks.....

Instantly I was was given suggestions of people to contact and lo and behold, I had a very good friend tell me her daughter (of all people) that lives locally was an inspiring artist.  The very next day her daughter contacted me and together we are getting my book illustrated. 

So don't hesitate to give someone a chance.  I did and it's the best thing I've done.  I'm happy with the work that is being produced and it's also giving someone a chance to get themselves noticed for what they like/love to do.  And don't be afraid to ask that person to make changes and revisions if it's not what your looking for.  If that someone is willing to illustrate they are willing to make changes and take advice.  Do your homework and put several (but not too many) options on the table and do what's best for you and your book.

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