Thursday, February 2, 2012

My Newest Childrens Book~~Just Published

I am so excited...I've just had my second book published.  My first is not a children's book but paranormal.  I did not think it was appropriate to post on this blog but I do have another blog dedicated to that subject.  So if your interested please ask and I shall let you know all the details.

This blog is dedicated to children's literature and that is what my newest book is about.  It's based on my youngest daughter Madisyn who is turning 9 this Saturday.  She's wanted a puppy for the longest time but my husband and I have felt she was much too young for that type of responsibility until now.  Well in the book she finally got her own puppy and guess what?  My husband took her about a week ago to pick out her very own puppy.  She is still so excited to have her new puppy. 

So please check out my new book and I hope that you will buy it for the child (ren) in your life or even for yourself.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Nothing more......

Nothing makes me mad more than when someone starts something and look forward to more and then nothing.....well I'm not one of them. 

This blog is going to be short and sweet but I want to let you know I'm still here.  Last week I had knee surgery (which went extremely well) so this is why I'm not blogging like I would like.  I'm here right now long enough to update my information and emails but will most likely not return full force for another week.

Oh, but I am in the closing of another published book!  Hopefully by next week I will have a hard copy proof and then BAM, it will be for sale!  I'm so excited.  It's a children's book titled Madisyn's Happy Puppy.  I will post a link as soon as it's ready.

So for now, continue to be creative and don't stop writing!

Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year~~~New Books

A new year and new hopes, dreams and expectations.  It's the time we pursue new and exciting adventures in our lives.  Mine is publishing even more books.  I'm currently in the process of getting a children's book published.  I am so excited, the waiting is the hard part.  I've got so many more projects in mind for this year but where do I start?  With writing of course.

Getting the ideas from mind to paper (or computer screen) is the hard transition stage.  I can think it, I can picture it in the form of letters but when I begin to transfer from mind to finger it gets lost some how.  Or if I am lucky enough to start the process something or someone always seems to interfere.  So this is what I have started to do and it seems to work: 

I just close my eyes and imagine what the book looks like from start to finish and begin typing chunks of each section.  What I've got when I'm done is the main body of the whole entire book and from there I can then break it down even more into smaller sections and fill in the blanks with actual words.  This way when I need to stop for whatever reason I can do it without forgetting where I left off.  I know it probably doesn't sound like it makes sense but if you try it you'll see what I'm talking about.

Not everything works for everyone but just be willing to try different methods may inspire something new and exciting for you. 

If you have a tried and true method that's not typical please leave me a comment and share with others struggling for ways to make the writing process not as painful.

Happy New Year and wishing you successful writing!